Join Us for a Panel Roundtable

“CFOs Building Consumer Brands”

Managing Growth – Making Investments – Pivoting in Crisis – Leadership

Part of the FLG Leadership Series

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 – 8 AM PST

Learn from four experienced consumer CFOs about lessons learned about driving brand success across startups to enterprise companies. Listen to their advice about the keys to managing growth successfully, how to evaluate investments from marketing to IT and the issues all CFOs need to be on top of when building a brand whether in e-commerce or classic brick and mortar retail. With recent pivots in business models to juggling repricing and supply chain disruptions due to COVID, you’ll discover the keys to maintaining a focused strategy and consistent wins in consumer brand management, even under the most difficult circumstances. A Q & A with the audience will follow the panel roundtable.

  • Choosing your targets for growth and building a long range strategy to meet growth objectives
  • Raising capital: When, how and how much?
  • Balancing top line revenue growth vs profitability objectives
  • When and how to raise prices to protect margins
  • Measuring the ROI of marketing investments in an age of Martech, digital and social media
  • Retail in crisis: maximizing the ROI of brick and mortar
  • Adjusting consumer business models to survive during COVID: critical success factors
  • CFO leadership: What matters?

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