Enhancing Corporate Success through Cross-Functional Collaboration: The CFO’s Guide

In the current business environment, the democratization of information driven by technological advances has highlighted the importance of cross-functional collaboration.  This type of collaboration — one that involves various department teams working together toward a common goal — is critical because it breaks down organizational silos, ensuring that all departments…Read More

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How to Succeed Where FTX Failed: The Case for Financial Controls
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As all experienced CFOs know, effective financial controls are essential for any company to succeed over the long term. And from time to time, companies with poor internal controls (business practices, policies, systems, procedures) crash into a brick wall. From what’s been covered in recent media, FTX is a very…Read More

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Leadership Strategies for Retaining Talent in Era of the “Great Resignation”

By now I think we have all heard that “people leave people, not companies”.  This concept is more important than ever in the current labor environment of the “great resignation”. Good leadership clearly makes the difference. The Essence of Strategic Leadership Leadership theory is what leaders do, while leadership styles…Read More

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The CFOs’ Critical Role in Board Oversight

The Board of Directors of an organization, public or private, has an important oversight function over management as they carry out their day-to-day functions for the benefit of the various stakeholders of the organization.  Effective Board oversight is critical so that there is an extra layer of advice and approval…Read More

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