Enhancing Corporate Success through Cross-Functional Collaboration: The CFO’s Guide

In the current business environment, the democratization of information driven by technological advances has highlighted the importance of cross-functional collaboration.  This type of collaboration — one that involves various department teams working together toward a common goal — is critical because it breaks down organizational silos, ensuring that all departments…Read More

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Inheriting a Team in Crisis and Rebuilding It : Lessons in Leadership

As an interim CFO, I have often faced challenging client situations, among them inheriting a finance team “in crisis.” Sometimes these underperforming team “ecosystems” are the result of: Teams managed by less-than-ideal functional area leaders from prior poor hiring decisions Teams were not provided the overall vision for the company/department,…Read More

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The 5 Essential Attributes of an “A-List” Chief Financial Officer

When a company hires a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Board and management team have a unique opportunity to bring on a trusted partner and colleague for their CEO, and an experienced financial executive to strategically help chart a positive course for the enterprise. Many CEOs and Boards typically look…Read More

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