Enhancing Corporate Success through Cross-Functional Collaboration: The CFO’s Guide

In the current business environment, the democratization of information driven by technological advances has highlighted the importance of cross-functional collaboration.  This type of collaboration — one that involves various department teams working together toward a common goal — is critical because it breaks down organizational silos, ensuring that all departments…Read More

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Managing CFO Relationships with Third Parties: Auditors, Bankers, Insurers, Lawyers, and Investors

NOTE: This is the third article in a series from Ron Fior about how CFOs can better manage relationships with CEOs, boards, finance teams, and third parties. CFOs are often asked to both vet and select third party consultants when working on key strategic initiatives that range from financings, M&A…Read More

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How to Add More Value as a Board Member

In my experience as a CFO who both advises and sits on boards, I have been fortunate to witness some excellent board members “in action”. Being a director is an important responsibility but often board members receive scant education and training for this key role. FLG has hosted two insightful roundtables “Excellence…Read More

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Five Ways to “Wow” Your Board as a CFO

This is the second in a series about how CFOs can better manage relationships with CEOs, boards, finance teams and third parties. Whether you work at a privately held startup or a publicly held enterprise, as a CFO you will gain considerable exposure and benefits from interacting with your board…Read More

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